I should totally be packing right now.

So, it turns out my mother won't be coming with my dad to drop me off at the airport. This totally throws me for a loop because I can't just stand around at Starbucks and sniffle with my dad. This just isn't going to work.

However, once I wash my hands forty-five times with hot water and forty-five times with cold water, I'll be able to board my flight to Tay-hoss! Where I'll see my lovely boys! Oh, how I love them! The first thing on the agenda is to go to this sweet piano bar called Pete's and to bask in the gloriousness of good music. Hopefully, this is as fun as it sounds.

I'm not sure how the whole posting thing will go for tomorrow. I may have to force Tyler (Thursday's Child) to transcribe an entry for me over the phone or something. We'll see.

Anywho, I hope y'all have a delightful weekend! I'll be dashing back to Google Reader the second I get home, anxious to catch up on all your shenanigans. *hug*