Mad Libs Monday: Episode 2

Believe it or not, nine more people signed up to be part of Mad Libs Monday this week! On an even more unbelievable note, I managed to get the video put together on time! Have a look at Episode 2 below:

Episode 3: Register Here!

If you're interested in submitting a video or audio post for the next Mad Libs Monday episode, leave a comment below. Make sure to include your email address (visible only to me), so I can hunt you down with further instructions. The deadline for submitting clips is Saturday, but that's kind of the only rule of the game.

So sign up! And head over to YouTube to leave nice comments about the second video! Adjective! Noun! Body part!

UPDATE: Comments are now closed! If you are one of the ten delightful people who signed up below (or Bart! I'm mentally adding you to the list!), check your email on Tuesday evening for instructions and your assigned parts of speech.