Photo Twittering: The Start of a New Obsession?

Earlier in the week, I posted at Twitter that I was on the verge of death. Well, more specifically, that I didn't expect to see the light of day the following morning. The exact message read as follows:

Post-It: "Seal was open on one side. Inner seal still intact. If I'm dead in the morning, stay away from the turkey. Love, Rach."

I found that Post-It still attached to the turkey when I went to go make a sandwich today.

"She Led a Full Stomach!" | Flickr

For some reason, I'm still really nervous about getting the bubonic plague or something vile from eating poisoned turkey. The sad part is, the only person whose medical judgment I actually trust these days is Dr. House, and something tells me he won't be coming to the rescue when I wake up tomorrow in desperate need of a lumbar puncture and an MRI.