Things and Such

Alright, poppets, just a brief update tonight. First of all, I'm absolutely thrilled with the response I got to the Mad Libs Monday invitation. Eight people signed up to participate, and I cannot wait to see how this all comes together. My body is too crippled by stress to jump for joy right now, but I hope to be in a better place by Sunday, when I do the filming and editing.

Second, I'm considering selling off my Flip camcorder and a two-year-old (maybe not even) Canon point-and-shoot, both of which are in good condition. (Why? Because hi, I'm broke and don't need five or six cameras.) The thing is that I don't ever sell stuff online, and some places *cough* eBay *cough* seem to require more effort than is worth my while to create a posting. Suggestions, anyone?

(Why can't selling stuff in real life be as easy as selling stuff in the Sims?)