Buried Treasure
I have a younger cousin who really enjoys sending forwards. Most of them have been circulating the internet for at least ten years, but now they're all written in Comic Sans with glittery images sprinkled all over the place. I was skimming that one about "I once knew a blonde who was so dumb" for the hundredth time, rolling my eyes. But then I came to the bottom of the email, which should have been labeled "a summary of what makes twelve-year-old girls hilarious." Behold all these glorious signatures:
More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail!
Be who you wanna be barbie girl :D I'm dumb and I'm proud of it. :P
I AM THE KING OF PANCAKES... BEHOLD MY AWSOME PANCAKE POWER...............:D now u DeSeRvE PePpEr SpRaY In..... THE EYE ....its good for u..^^ not reaLLY
Remember Shelia Rocks! <3
The Dongster ROX and you know it!!!!
Oh, to be yOuNg AgAiN.