Although I have been blogging since 2002, the content here at only dates back to 2006. Monthly archives are listed below, or you can try the search bar to quickly locate every reference I've made to Frodo.
- Back to Basics
- Planning My Year: 2024 Edition
- The 2023 Skirts Awards
- On Hate-Reading
- Tiny Stories, Volume 2
- Learning to Thrive
- Giving Back
- Call Me Irresponsible
- Dream Jobs
- Autumn Favorites
- Tiny Stories, Volume 1
- The Dearest of Diaries
- Parking Lot Diaries
- What Will I Tell My Heart?
- More to Say
- The 2019 Skirts Awards
- Truly Happy
- Skirts with Pockets
- Plucked from Obscurity
- Homesick
- Now with More Ghost
- Letters from Home
- The 2018 Skirts Awards
- Family Man
- A Hot Mess of Hot Takes
- Skirts with Pockets
- 2017 Book Reviews
- Ice Cream for Dinner
- Skirts with Pockets
- On Writing
- Skirts with Pockets
- The Girl at the Desk
- Sunshine and Walks
- Learning to Say No
- Hello from the Other Side
- Some Day When Spring Is Here
- The Houses of Healing
- A Conspiracy Unmasked
- In the Still of the Night
- Sludge the Cat
- With a Song in My Heart
- Competitive Reading
- A Teeny Tiny Moment
- Concerning Hobbits
- The 2014 Skirts Awards
- Fizzling Out
- I'm Sorry, Boo
- Giving Thanks
- Oh, the Humanity
- Vegas: Edited to Add
- Broke, Blind, or Bedlam
- October Favorites
- Most Unlikely
- Snap, Crackle, Pop
- Proud or Not
- You Always Were the Perfect Fan
- Not Ready to Leave
- A Sensible Plan
- Belated
- Writing! Ugh!
- Some People
- Mornings, Revisited
- Cynicism, Eloquence, and Character
- Leaving the Land of Fiction
- Librarypalooza
- Come Back, Dave
- Witchcraft
- Mornings
- Mr. Diaperbutt
- Dissecting Autumn
- Or Maybe a Weekend of Sims
- A Weekend of Books
- Who Edits the Editors?
- Doughnuts
- Just One of Those Things
- Out of Context
- So Many Bees
- Make Good Choices
- Disintegrating
- The Beginning of the End
- Poke!
- As I Was Saying
- Bye Forever, February
- Eating Stained Glass
- Lessons from a Monsoon
- People I Know, Vol. 5
- The 2013 Skirts Awards
- All Shall Love Me and Despair (Again*)
- Free Advice: Writing a Book on Productivity
- Spicing Up My Biography
- Worst Song
- Working Dad
- Interests
- The Things I Carry
- Bob and Janice and #squirrelwatch2013
- A Love Letter
- Eleventy-one Years of Blogging
- The Sock Monkey Family
- The Salmon of Doubt (Book Review)
- Reality Check
- No, You're Emotional
- Five Tech Tips from Skirts
- From Houston to Hyrule
- Smugs and Cuddles and So Much More
- On Dating 20SB's Sexiest Male Blogger
- Four Months in Four Loads
- February Favorites
- The Month of Tiny Sighs
- Bacon Jobs and Other Goals for 2012
- Free Tongues
- The 2011 Skirts Awards
- Angry Cache
- Things in my life that are definitely not stressing me out:
- Spendyskirts: Magazine Subscriptions
- Internet, I Need Some Tough Love
- Mad Libs Monday: Episode 2
- Mad Libs Monday: Pilot!
- Give Me Liberty and a Free Mocha
- Mad Libs Monday: Technical Difficulties
- Seventeen Years
- The Autumn Leaves of Red and Gold
- Things and Such
- Mad Libs Monday: Pilot?
- Hunting for Wabbits
- People I Know, Vol. 4
- So Office Space Is a Good Movie
- My Face, After the High-five
- High-five, Face!
- Celebrating My Birthday in the Pen Aisle
- Because I Can't Recall the Taste of Strawberries
- Plogging
- BEDS, Baths, and Beyond
- Heaps of Blessings
- Silence Will Fall
- On the Upcoming Onslaught of Vlogging Disasters
- Through the Bedroom Wall
- Other People I Know
- Moving Pictures
- Taking the A Train
- Cheese Is Trapped
- Awesomer and Insanerer
- May Must Might
- More People I Know
- Day 9,355
- PSA for Lord of the Rings Fans
- Ch-ch-ch-changes
- For Your Listening Pleasure
- Blog Swap: Pretty Lil' Things
- A Glitch in the Snail Mail Matrix
- In Which the Kitchen Smells Faintly of Link Spam
- Zebra Cloud
- Cocktails with a Cat Lady
- Kill Me, Kiss Me, Feed Me to a Cow
- The People I Know
- Requesting Permission to Land, Sir
- A Dreary Start to December
- Drop on the Deck and Flop Like a Fish
- On Tigers
- Giving the Gift of Crumpled
- She Said with a Twitch
- First House, As Imagined
- Giving Thanks for the Little Things
- Stuffed Stuffing and Stuff
- Floating Away, Lost in a Silent Ballet
- How Do You Be So Short?
- Steal This Idea: Doctor Who and Carmen Sandiego
- That Little Cartoon Bee Freaks Me Out, Though
- Seriously, Who Brought Cheese Fries?
- Don't You Dare Say Cheese
- Dream Big, the 2010 Edition
- Beauty in Imperfection
- No Turning Back
- Your Funny Face Appeals to Me
- The CDO Club
- Diary of a Cat Lady
- Almost Been Kissed
- The Slowest, Tiniest War
- Rings on Her Fingers and Bells on Her Toes
- In Which I Recommend Stuff
- Would You Like Some More Tea, Barbara?
- Señorita's Big Night Out
- Professional Damsel in Distress
- The Great Donut Crime
- Everything Is Ruined Forever
- The November Craziness Project
- The Great Haircut of 2010
- You Are the Only Exception
- I Can't Lose This Feeling
- Skirtsapalooza
- Macaroni Scars: Second Serving
- Macaroni Scars
- Now with More Marshmallows!
- Michigan: Land of U-Turns
- Too Young for the Blues
- He Thinks They Sound Like Goats
- Hot Like Wasabi When I Bust Rhymes
- V-a-l-i-d-a-t-i-o-n
- Dreams Are Made for Children
- Operation: Unclutter
- Rounding Out the Pink Obsession
- Getting the Figurative Dirt off the Virtual Shoulder
- Petty Confetti
- The Sunshine Makes Me Sappy
- Pint-sized Adventure
- You May Now Release Your Hats
- Hold on to Your Hats
- Blame It on My Youth
- Welcome to 2010
- Ode to Mr. Kittypants
- Get off the Road! Quick!
- Frosty the Snowskirts
- On Second Thought, Forget the Trip to Antarctica
- She's Gonna Blow!
- It's the One Involving Space Camp
- I Has a Bucket
- Nine Lazy Lives
- Bacon Famous: Before They Were Famous (or Bacon)
- Where the Air Is Rarified
- P.S.
- The Most Endearing Salad Fork of All
- A Verbose Start to NaBloPoMo 2009
- Hastily Jotted Down Notes from a Recent Dream
- Sorry Again, Miss Lobster
- Serial Flosser
- Intermission
- The Nose Knows: Part Two
- Shaken, Not Stirred
- Reunion Recap
- The Nose Knows: Part One
- In Which My Cake Is Taken Hostage and/or Kidnapped
- Honorable Mention
- Start Building That Ark Now
- My Gentleman Caller
- Rockskirts vs. Rollskirts
- Never Saw Things Going So Right
- Balance
- World's Best Dad
- Hide the Knives
- Lunch Break
- American History: Bacon and Peglegs
- In Which Obesity and Poverty Just Got Easier
- Had Me a Blast
- Hold the Humidity, Please
- A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes
- If James Bond Were a Cat Lady
- Journal Excerpts, March 2009
- Team Best Friends
- When the Day Met the Night
- I Live in a Pineapple Under the Sea
- Confessions
- Fool of a Took
- Spinach Popsicles for Everyone
- Second Is the Best
- Friday Night at Panera
- Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
- Not Joking
- And More Oreos, Francis
- Next Step: Workin' on my Whiskey Face
- Turning Over a New Leaf . . . or a New Tree
- Another Year-End Post Sponsored by Sparkling White Grape Juice
- Lessons Learned
- Sageskirts Advice: Wisdom Teeth Edition
- Steal This Idea: Google Board Game
- Please, Sir, May I Have Some More?
- Googleskirts
- Community College Chronicles: Part Two
- Community College Chronicles: Part One
- Buried Treasure
- Atop the Lonely Mountain
- Take a Number
- Hindsight
- Angel Pee
- Wanna Watch Kung Fu?
- Bond. Super Hot James Bond.
- Steal This Idea: Computer Virus
- Grannyskirts vs. Crazy Internet Words
- Eat One, Adopt the Other
- Necessary Dancing Only, Please
- Grumpyskirts
- Fraidyskirts
- Happy Late Early Birthday Christmas Day!
- Proving That There Is Such a Thing as a Stupid Question
- The Only Tree Worth Hugging
- Forget Terrorists and Beauty Queens
- Steal This Idea: Drive-Thru Desserts
- Save Money by Ordering Now
- Voted Most Likely to Become a Cat Lady
- Plenty of Sunshine Headin' My Way
- Open Mouth, Insert Foot
- Next Up: Curing the Common Cold
- Amber Is the Color of Your Energy
- She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not
- Whistle While You Work
- Elijah Wood, I'm Still Waiting
- In Case This College Thing Doesn't Work Out
- We Give You Thanks for Californiaaa, Here We Come
- Pew Pew!
- Catch-22: Hermit Edition
- My Room is a Time Capsule
- Sippin' on My Haterade
- Until Frodo Baggins Becomes President, That Is
- I Prefer Catbert, Personally
- My Momma Raised a Quitter
- Sneaky Pete
- More Talk of Cat Ladies
- Internet, Say Hello to the Puppy
- Time to Calculate Manufacturing Overhead! Yeehaw!
- Stubbornness Kills the Cat Again
- Potential Google Soulmate
- I Don't Usually Hold With Foreign Food
- But There Were Some Who Resisted
- The King Has Got a Crown Again
- Squirrel Power
- P.S. Bees Still Freak Me Out
- The Scent of Guilt
- Cerebellum'd!
- The Shards of Narsil
- Forget Growing Up
- Quite Content to Ignore and Be Ignored
- Goodbye, Summer
- Oompa Loompas and Top Hats
- Sneezyskirts and Sternutation Cat
- The Dorky Forked Spork (from Ork)
- Just Kidding, Mom
- The Year of the Basketball
- The Best Part of Growing Up . . .
- All Shall Love Me and Despair
- For "Boston Boy"
- Planning Ahead
- The Wonder Minutes
- Sober in Milwaukee: Jazz Fest
- Sober in Milwaukee: Preston
- Sober in Milwaukee: Ambassador Hotel
- Sober in Milwaukee: Boat Tour 2
- Sober in Milwaukee: Boat Tour 1
- Sober in Milwaukee: Mall Madness
- Sober in Milwaukee: Stains on the Welcome Mat
- Sober in Milwaukee: Road Trip Games
- Sober in Milwaukee: Summer Vacation 2008
- No Cheese Curds This Time
- Open a Door, Save a Life
- Have Them Tip Their Hats
- Put Me Down As "Very Satisfied"
- You Laugh, But I Have the Stickers Somewhere
- Questions That Need Answering: Round Two
- And Bingo Was His Name-O
- Already Needing a Nap
- Flattery: The Handmaid of the Vices
- Leaving the Muffin Tops to the Muffins
- So That's Where the Sun Comes From
- Ain't Too Proud to Beg
- P.S. Pull Up Your Pants
- P.S. Put On Some Pants
- Buck Up, Soldier
- If Only Irony Could Fuel Our Cars
- Return to Sender
- But, I Never Baked A Fancy Cake!
- King of the Boundless Sea
- Putting My Best Feet Forward
- Nine in the Afternoon
- Invitez-moi à Votre Fête
- Green-Eyed Monsterskirts
- Not to Mention the Biggest Ella Fitzgerald Ever
- Go, Team Venture!
- Don't Ask What Happened on June 30th
- Fly Me to the Moon
- We'll All Do the Fishstick
- Ring Ring Ring, Banana Phone
- Late Night Tips: Working
- Tip for Google Users
- Internet Rehab
- Final Chance to Make Fish-Naming History
- Stowing Away in Dave Brubeck's Pocket
- By Team Christmas
- My Favorite Grass Addict
- Cast Your Votes Now!
- Not Alone Anymore
- At Least I Like Cats
- Keep In Mind, "Juan Pedro" Is Already Taken
- Team Memedroids 3: White Tiger
- Late Night Tips: Teh Interwebs
- Play That Cloud Game With Me
- Cabin Fever
- Lazy Children Left Behind
- On Behalf of Chocoholics Everywhere
- Late Night Tips: Books
- New Guest Blog Series
- Post-It Glue: The Bond of Love
- Fuzzy Wuzzy Was a Caterpillar
- Forgotten Memories
- Holding on to Something
- You Wouldn't Know a Good Thing
- Unnecessary
- By Gilligan, America's Finest List Mocker
- Crusades: Round Six (Vacation Edition)
- Packing Procrastinator
- Crusades: Round Five
- Turning in My Good Girl Badge
- Crusades: Round Four
- Crusades: Round Three
- Crusades: Round Two
- Crusades: Round One
- Touché, Little Brother
- Too Bad I'm Illiterate!
- Use Your Inside Voices
- Honest Abeskirts
- Video Blogging Premiere
- Botched Electrocutions, Anyone?
- Quite Content to Be a Noun
- Run, Skirts, Run!
- Post-It Note Confessions: Part Three
- The Fairest of Them All
- Hold the Nerdsauce
- When Practice Doesn't Make Perfect
- Addicted to Your Love
- Skills Inventory
- Kiss and Tell
- A Sad Day for HGTV and PETA
- E is for "Excellent" . . . or "Extremely Boring."
- Post-It Note Confessions: Part Two
- Most Boring Family Ever
- Post-It Note Confessions: Part One
- That Fruity Little Hat Kills Me
- "S-T-O-P, new word, I-T."
- A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
- Cheap Therapy 2: Puppies
- Technical Difficulties in Skirtsville
- The Inevitable Twitter Entry
- These Bullets Won't Kill You
- Unrequited Love: Part Infinity
- A Case of the Mondays
- Questions That Need Answering
- Best Egg Hunt Ever
- When N64 Becomes Rachtastic
- Not Loving This Craptop
- I'm Gonna Make You Love Me
- By Thursday's Child, The Big-Brained and Great-Grammared
- Slow Child at Play
- Trying to Find the Bright Side
- One Ring to Cure Them All
- Cheap Therapy
- In Serious Need of a Trap Door in the Floor
- America, I Think We Have a Winner
- A Spoonful of Crazy Makes the Rumors Go 'Round
- Serious Skirts: Racism
- Second Generation Nerd
- Embarrassing Skirts Trivia, Vol. Three
- You've Got a Friend in Me
- Where Chocolate, Sock Monkeys, and American Idol Collide
- Bite-Sized Post (Now with More Marshmallows!)
- Team Memedroids 2: Crazy Eights
- 24 + Crappy Artwork = This Entry
- Patience is a virtue. Impatience is the reality.
- In Which I Broach the Subject of Leg Hair
- Reality Television: Now 1% More Useful
- Refraining from making a "hump day" joke. Or not.
- Forecast: Buttfaced Tuesdays Ahead
- Mama's Little Procrastinators
- By James, Who Probably Has a Cute Accent and Slays Dragons for a Living
- I am poor. You are generous?
- Dear The World:
- Asking for Trouble. Again.
- Lazyskirts
- In Which I Ignore the Wisdom of Dooce*
- My Friends! You Bow to No One . . .
- Candyland Meets Skirtsville
- Famous Last Words
- I Spell Konfusion with a K
- You're My Favorite Work of Art
- Peace, Love, and Mittens
- Chunkyskirts, Juan Pedro, and Sanko
- When Ebaumsworld Was My World, Too
- I'm bringin Calvin and Hobbes back. (Beat that, Justin.)
- In Which I Try to Avoid Using the Phrase "Wicked Awesome"
- Cultured Skirts
- Global Bruising
- By GolfWidow, The Coolest of the Cool
- Embarrassing Skirts Trivia, Vol. Two
- My Very First Photograph
- Rachelskirts vs. People Who Love Football
- "On a scale of one to awesome, I'm super cool."
- The Best Advice Usually Includes Llamas
- My Future? It's a Bright One.
- Getting What I Need
- Embarrassing Skirts Trivia, Vol. One
- More Socks and More Monkeys
- Speaking of Target . . .
- I Less Than Three Sock Monkeys
- Bulleted List, Volume 493957
- To Arthur Dent:
- Failed Love Letter #2
- My Dad Is Pretty Cool, Too
- You Should Love My Little Brother
- Go Team Memedroids!
- My True Love Gave Me a Swiffer Duster
- I also wouldn't mind one of those Starbucks gift cards.
- Rachel + Skirts + The Windy City
- Yes, I love the smell of elevators. Still.
- This Turn is No Longer Unexpected
- In Which I Discover the True Cost of Procrastination
- Unexpected Turn for the Sappy, Part Two
- Best Wedding Ever
- "Have you ever heard a hungry dinosaur hiccup in the wind?"
- After a Conversation about Second Life, Sims 2, and World of Warcraft:
- Avenging My Childhood
- I'm turning into a yogurt commercial.
- To an Anonymous Reader:
- Unexpected Turn for the Sappy
- Just a Spoonful of Yeti . . .
- Facts of Life
- I just secured my position as Biggest Loser of 2008.
- List? Check. Picture? Check. Frodo Baggins? Check.
- And so begins the year of insanity . . .
- This Post Made Possible by Sparkling White Grape Juice
- Rule 4: More Booze (Just Kidding)
- Why I Shouldn't Read the News
- Cute clothes are cheaper than therapy anyway.
- Therapization: Round One
- The Skirts, Unraveled
- Talking to Strangers
- Wanted: More Blankets
- Let the winter hibernation begin!
- Don't let our brilliance intimidate you.
- They got a pepper bar!
- Food for Thought
- Where would I be without Paint?
- Just kidding. Hand over the chocolate.
- I'll do laundry after I level up, Mom!
- Born and Raised in America
- I won't be hugging any trees this week.
- Staying Far Away from Mirrors and Scales
- Driving Through the Midwest: Still Boring
- To Grandmother's House We Go
- 79 is the 22nd prime number.
- Internet Déjà Vu
- Halloween 2008: Costume Idea
- America, I worry about you sometimes.
- Flaring my nostrils wasn't working anyway.
- Reality is gonna kick me in the shins tomorrow.
- A Firm Believer in Having and Eating One's Cake
- I hope this week never ends.
- The simple things in life . . .
- Don't make me leave!
- Posting from my phone.
- I should totally be packing right now.
- Frequently Obsessive-Compulsive Flyer
- I'd rather be playing leapfrog with a unicorn.
- Yeah, these boys are so cool that they make Wal*mart fun.
- BFF Applications Available Upon Request
- Small, Teensy NaBloPoMo Rant
- I owe it all to Bill Watterson. And Scott Adams.
- The Ever-Present Gloom of Adolescence
- I used to spell "school" with a K. On purpose.
- NaBloPoMo 2007
- 86 Useless Facts Left to Write, 86 Useless Facts . . .
- Clearly, I'm not the one chosen to bring sexy back.
- Dora the Demon
- Pumpkin or Cartman? Your call.
- Once Upon a Bagel
- Too bad I'm lazy.
- Twisted Logic
- News Flash
- Genius on Wheels
- At least the obituary will be joyful.
- 91 Things Still Not Accounted For
- Stubbornness is what really killed the cat.
- You know you live in Chicago when . . .
- May I alphabetize those calories for you?
- The cat isn't the only ridiculous one in this family.
- This is the same cat who thinks he's a dog.
- The music video will be hella tight.
- 96 Things Called In Sick
- Sadly, things only went downhill from here.
- Childhood Tales: Professing My Love
- Fear of the Unknown
- Happy Birthday, Saggyskirts!
- Two Days 'Til I'm Twenty-Two
- Putting the "Wreck" in "Emotional Trainwreck"
- Ugly backdrops are the key to really great pictures.
- You might want to disown me right about now.
- My desk belonged to Mary Poppins in a previous life.
- Photo Twittering: The Start of a New Obsession?
- In Which the Internet Loses One Cool Point . . . Maybe Two
- Why Taking Off Your Pants Can Save Lives
- Finally Emptying Out My Camera
- Popcorn Ceilings: Real Estate's Version of Pimples
- My dad? He's a good guy.
- I guess I'll start up that orphanage some other week.
- We take road trip traditions very seriously in my family.
- Mud-Wrestling Babes vs. Browser Battles
- "I'm gonna be a procrastinator one day."
- Revenge for all those years of incessant tattling.
- Cleaning out the virtual attic . . .
- Miss Skirts, stop your bellyachin'.
- Employing pansies since 1978.
- In which I use the word "invite" a lot . . .
- Because I've grown rather fond of food and clean clothing . . .
- Even Chuck Norris is impressed.
- Should I die for my country today . . .
- The Official "Name That Car!" Contest:
- June 2007 Site Update
- Living vicariously through myself . . .
- On the plus side, a lot of my Sims characters are getting promotions.
- Confessions of an anal-retentive perfectionist:
- Making it quite obvious that I'm still unemployed.
- No victory dances just yet . . .
- Reason #937 that more stores should be open past midnight.
- Maybe I can avoid calling him by name.
- If I get this job, I am so paying to turn on the air conditioning.
- The brownies were pretty gosh dang delicious, too.
- Oh, and my iPod still won't turn on.
- Just one more reason to love Chicago . . .
- Cool. Now my leg hurts, too.
- That will be the real nightmare.
- My biography is gonna be one hell of a read.
- "You and your empty promises of holding hands . . ."
- And so begins the wedding season...
- Because the Egyptians made it sound so fun . . .
- I still have a crush on Seth Cohen.
- Seriously, now. A rolling lollipop?
- Decorating for my Sims is much easier.
- Packing away some lovely memories . . .
- The high price of fame . . .
- My kind of town . . .
- Blent was the roar of flame with weeping . . .
- More adventures with Herpes the Cockroach . . .
- The footsteps of doom . . .
- Don't try this one at home, kids.
- Also a handy feature to install on children and cats . . .
- You might be a [redneck] college student . . .
- I hope I have TiVo before next year's Olympics . . .
- Maybe life isn't so wretched . . .
- RE: Hell Week 2007
- What if the apple wants to fall far from the tree?
- Write scary entry on murder? Check.
- If only I had wanted a pony like every other little girl . . .
- The hypotenuse is by far the most romantic side of the triangle.
- I'm failing to see the attraction here.
- I never miss saying "bomb" until I'm in an airport.
- Breaking promises instead of breaking hearts . . .
- I have this uncontrollable urge to punch someone.
- The Lullaby League vs. The Lollipop Guild
- Goddesses of the internet...
- I would paint flaming bunnies on the side.
- P.S. Please stop wearing tapered pants.
- My passion for fonts made me famous.
- Take a little trip with me.
- It's Charmander, in case you were wondering.
- Even my plants drink filtered water.
- Parents, do not try this at home.
- Club is the bestest floor ever.
- Test Entry #1
- Warning: Revamp in Progress
- It's alive!!